Thankful Thursday
This is my personal blog. I have many interests, a few passions and a long list of experiences. I like to share what's on my mind, what I am learning and what is happening in my life.
For those that follow along, it may seem like a whirlwind where my feet never touch the ground. However, that is ME. I love my family and friends.
If I have a job, I give 110% of myself and learn every possible aspect of it I can. If I am working online, I make new friends and learn new skills.
I am passionate about helping other people and being creative. I am interested in learning new skills in many different areas such as internet marketing, crafting, writing, coaching and more. I love to teach what I learn, share what I know and guide people in the direction they say they want to go.
Some people mention that I don't finish what I start or that I am always trying something new. Yep... I do move around a lot. I am pretty transparent about who I am, which is how people know that I am always "in to something" and I am not ashamed of that. I feel that I have a gift to inspire and encourage others...and that tends to take me in many different directions.
For example, if I join a different business opportunity every single month, it isn't because I can't finish what I start. It's because it is a new opportunity to touch other people in a way that I would never reached them before. I am like an iceberg, just as most people are. What you see on the surface is only a small percentage of what there truly is. Whether or not you take the time to see the bigger picture has more to do with you, than with me.
An "A-HA" Moment
Something occurred to me last night. People proposition me with business offers quite often. And sometimes, I do the same to them. But my "a-ha" moment was this: people will pay my way in to their business, just so I am on their team.
Because I am a master salesperson or recruiter. HECK NO! *LOL* It dawned on me that this happens because they want to work with ME. So, I thought about why anyone would want me to be on their team if there was no monetary gain to it. And I realized that there is more to ME than even I realized. I offer people something that makes them want me with them.
The same way my kids will follow me wherever I go, never giving me a moment's peace. ;) I am a MAGNET. As much as I wish I was a money magnet, I am not. I am a people magnet. And with that comes great responsibility. I must continue to be transparent. I must continue to be ethical, honest and humble. I am setting an example for others. And, above all, I must focus. After all, people don't do what you say; they do what you do.
I still do not have a full grasp on why people are attracting to me. I don't have a knock-out figure, giant white smile or killer looks. Hmmmm... itmust be deeper than that. ;) I do know that I care very much about people. I love to sow good seed and see others BLOOM.
Going Forward...I Think...
So, where does that lead me? I am not sure, to be honest. I believe only God knows what my future holds. I do know that if I leave my life in His hands, I have nothing to worry about....EVER. He is the Great Provider and I humbly accept whatever He blesses me with.
On this Thankful Thursday, I want to thank YOU, my friends. You bless me every time you drop by. You bless me when you share something I have said to you.
I may not get it right. I may stumble and fall. But I do know that I have Favor. I do know that His grace and mercy will carry me.
In closing, I want to hear from you. Please... leave a comment below and share your heart with me today. You mean so much to me and I am very grateful to have YOU in my life, in whatever capacity that may be.
Love & Blessings,
PS: If we aren't already connected, please pop on over and connect with me...
Joy A. Marino
Author of "The Flip it Around Method" Book (Amazon)
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AND "You Were Born To Stand Out: Be Encouraged, Empowered and Equipped to Succeed" available here:
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