The one thing that has helped me the most to get to where I am today is:
Personal development.
More specifically, MINDSET.
I believe that whatever you think about, you bring about. That no matter what is troubling you; no matter what the obstacles are, a simple shift in mindset can make all the difference.
Here's what I believe about mindset:
If you believe in something, you commit to it and stand by it.
If you think you can or cannot do something, you are right.
If you worry about the worst case scenario, chances are that you willl receive some form of that scenario.
If you stress over bills, finances, or anything that you can control, you cause yourself to block solutions to your problem because your focus is ON the problem itself.
If you are anxious or worried about things you can NOT control, you cause yourself a feeling of hopelessness, desperation and defeat.
My ultimate truth? I am where I am today because I believed I could be here. Some things I don't have control over. Those things I must release. The things I do have control over, however, are the things that I need to focus on so that I can create solutions to the "problems" I have created for myself.
The problems that I HAVE CREATED FOR MYSELF.
Taking ownership and responsibility for where I am is half the battle.
I promised to make payments that I failed to make.
I chose to live outside my means.
I chose not to get a second job.
I chose to pay for other people's financial responsibilities and neglected my own.
I indulged in fast food, entertainment and other things that sucked up my money.
I chose to find excuses why my business wouldn't work.
I procrastinated and didn't do the work I knew I needed to do.
I chose the life I have now.
The MINDSET flip?
I CHOOSE to take action in my business.
I CHOOSE to work with my creditors.
I CHOOSE to budget my time and money better.
I CHOOSE to consult a financial professional.
I CHOOSE to indulge only when I have budgeted for it.
I CHOOSE to not pay for anyone else's bills besides my own, unless I've budgeted for them.
When you CHOOSE to do something, you own the decision. You mentally commit to doing what you've chosen to do.
I cannot control the increase in gas prices. I can control wasting gas by letting the car run unnecessarily
I cannot control the finance rate on a loan, or the late fees. I can control when I pay my bills and by paying early or on time, those additional fees are a non-issue.
My ultimate truth is that no matter what is going on in life, a shift in mindset can drastically change the course I am on.
The thing is, mindset or LOA or personal development is nothing but words; a theory, unless there is ACTION.
The choice is ALWAYS yours. You just have to choose what you can control and what you will do about it.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Go make some changes today!
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