Friday, February 23, 2018

Are You On Target?

We're almost 2 full months into 2018.  How are you doing?

Have you met the goals you set for the New Year?
Are you on target to achieve them?

So many of us strive to make resolutions or goals for the New Year.  Then, LIFE HAPPENS.  Those that achieve their goals don't wait for the New Year to set in motion the events that will get them where they want to go.

Guess what?  No matter where you are right now, as long as you DECIDE that you want to get to somewhere better (whatever that is for you), you have taken the first step to achieve what you desire.

But, what is lacking for most is ACTION.  See, making a decision means you are willing to strive towards what you want.  But, a decision without ACTION, just turns into a dream; a hope that you may get to where you want to be.

It's not magic.

It takes ACTION.

So, you've still got 10 months to hit your goals for 2018.  How can you get there?

Look at the desired goal.  Then, create a plan, working backwards.  Go all the way back to today.  What can you do TODAY to get to your goals?

Don't fear change.
Don't fear failure.
Don't fear pain.
Don't fear success.
Don't fear rejection.
Don't fear other's opinions.

  • Change is necessary.  If you continue doing what you're doing, you'll continue getting what you're getting.
  • Failure is a part of learning.  When something doesn't work, learn, and try again.
  • Pain is what will help heal you.  You grow through the pain and come out stronger.
  • Success is whatever YOU define it to be.  And, being successful will change your life.  And, as I said....Change is necessary.
  • Rejection is not always personal.  It's often the rejection of thoughts, ideas, situations, that the other person doesn't know how to accept.  Why?  Because they have FEAR.
  • Other people's opinions do not serve you nearly as much as YOUR opinion of YOURSELF.  Sometimes, opinions can give you insight, perspective, encouragement.  However, they are not as important as what you believe about yourself.

You were not put on this earth to survive, you were put here to THRIVE.  The goals that you had in the beginning of the year, if important enough, will be achieved by the end of this year IF...

you take action, 
you have a plan, 
you are open to change,
you fail forward, 
you grow through the pain,
you define and embrace success,
you don't take rejection personally,
you value your opinion of yourself 

Remember, the most important relationship you will EVER have in your life is the one you have with YOURSELF.  So, work on YOU and as you do, your mind will shift, and the world will shift with you.

Believe in YOU. That's where it all begins.

I believe in you.


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