When you wake up in the morning, DECIDE that you're going to have a great day.
Any decision that you make, when you first get up, is what you've told your brain to find evidence of.
Guess what, if you just make the declaration that you are going to have a great day, and do that EVERY day, you will start to see your whole life shift.
There's a saying: "Win the morning and you win the day."
People will say, "oh that's BS." or "that's positive thinking crap."
But I say: Maybe...but how is the negative BS working for you right now?
Every morning you wake up, it's New Year's Day! It's the first day of a new year, 365 days, where you can change your life to accomplish what you want.
Every morning you wake up, you have the potential to accomplish what you want. It's like having a clean slate. Every. Damn. Day.
But YOU have to DECIDE what you will do.
You may be reading this in the middle of the day, or before bed. I don't care, start NOW. Change the course that you are on if you are not happy with where you're going.
Would you stay on a bus or train that was taking you in the wrong direction?
No. Next stop, you're hopping off.
And even if another train or bus isn't coming, you're going to start walking, take a cab, call a friend to pick you up.
You're NOT going to stay where you don't desire to be.
Do that with your life. "Hop off" at the next chance you get and move in the direction you desire to go. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can get on the RIGHT PATH FOR YOU.
Plug into people and resources that will build you up and guide you, motivate and empower you.
Every morning, when I get up, I grab my coffee and my notebook. I plug into morning motivation videos on YouTube and journal what I am grateful for, what I will do today and what goals I will achieve.
Nothing Becomes Dynamic Until It Becomes Specific. I learned that from Dani Johnson many years ago.
Remember, the most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.
Take a stand for you. Take a stand for your life. Take a stand for all that is important to you.
This is your day!
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