Saturday, June 4, 2016

Am I A Crazy B*tch?

Am I A Crazy Bitch?

If stupid is as stupid does, then...

Crazy is as crazy thinks.

What?  What did she just say?

I have to chuckle because this is so NOT where I was going to go with my post, until I started typing the title.

But, it's true.  See, one of the coaches/mentors I subscribe to put out a challenge to be CRAZY.  Now, this woman is a HELLCAT and she is crazy.  In her own way.  And, at the same time, she's completely sane.

It's all in your thinking my friend.

Because she's not "crazy" and neither am I.  I doubt you are either.  However, if you go sky diving for the first time, some one is bound to think you are one out of your bloody mind.  No?  But, for you, it's not crazy.  Unless you forgot the parachute.  LOL  No, for you it's daring.  For you it's about checking one thing off your bucket list.  For you, it's about spreading your wings and flying after years of being cooped up.

For's not sky diving.  Not today, anyway.  What is "crazy" for me today is to go 110%, all out, no holds barred, on my business.  Sharing a side of me few know.  Giving more of myself than ever before.  Taking the risk of putting my business into OVER DRIVE because I want the rewards that come along with it.

Rewards?  Yep.  Rewards.  And, I'm not just talking about the money, honey.  Although that is sure to follow.  I'm talking about reaching the women who are sad, depressed, frustrated, burnt-out, tapped out, etc.  The women who have a burning desire in them to DO more, HAVE more and BE more.

BUT...they just don't know how to get from where they are: frustrated, sad, angry, struggling and so where they want to be.  Where they know in their heart of hearts, they are CALLED to be.  I'm not talking about the people who sit there and sing a woeful ballad, point fingers at others or are otherwise NOT taking control of their life.

I'm talking about the BOLD, STRONG, MOTIVATED women who know this saying...SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED.

I'm calling you out MAMA!  You have had enough of playing small.  You've had enough of worrying about everyone and everything and you finally know it's YOUR TIME.

I want to talk to YOU.  I want to see if there's a spark there that can be stoked.  That you do, in fact, know already that you HAVE what it takes and all you need now is some help bringing it to the surface.

I am offering a few FREE breakthrough sessions.  For about 20 minutes, you and I will talk briefly about where you are, and more importantly talk about where you want to go.  We'll work a little bit, together on helping you put a plan together to get start IMMEDIATELY to shift the course of your life.

I'm not going to have many spots open, so send an email to:

Subject: I'm a Crazy B*tch too!!  :)

If you're not sure whether or not your ready to breakthrough all the crap...ask yourself this:

Is what I'm doing now working?  Am I happy, fulfilled and living a life on purpose?

If you answered NO to either, or both questions, send me an email. NOW.  Don't forget the special message in the subject line.

Are you "Crazy" enough to make change?
Are you "Crazy" enough to want more?
Are you "Crazy" enough to DO more?

Your life is an occasion; rise to it my friend!


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