Monday, June 6, 2016

Everyone Wants to Feel Significant

Everyone Want to Feel Significant

To feel loved
To feel needed
To feel appreciated
To feel helpful
To feel like they matter
To feel like what they do, matters

We just all have different ways of going about achieving that feeling.

Some people find it in their career.
Some people find it in their fitness efforts.
Some people find in in their wealth.
Some people find it in charity.
Some people find it in volunteering.
Some people find it in addiction(s).
Some people find it in other people.

And, over your lifetime, there is a good chance that where you find your signifigance will change or evolve.

As a child, you may have found it in your schooling or friends.
As an adult, you may find it in your career or family.

It's not always healthy, or wise, the way that we achieve that feeling of importance.  But, at the time, it fills a need.  Once you realize that there are other ways to fulfill that need, you are free to move from the unhealthy, on to something healthier.

For example, a person who struggles with drugs or alcohol, in their mind, has found a way of feeling significant.  It could be the physical feeling, the emotional release, the lack of fear or restrictions, maybe even the person they become.

Going through counseling or therapy, they will be given the opportunity to find other ways to achieve the feelings they seek, without the use of dangerous substances.  It will become a win-win situation because they will be able to better take care of themselves AND still have a way to achieve that feeling of importance.  Of course, it's not as easy as just switching gears.  Depending on the person's needs, there may be other methods that are required to help them achieve the desired result.

You need to feel significant, don't you?
I know I DO.

I share my thoughts, insights, inspiring help others.  Because that is what makes me feel significant.  Needed.  

If you struggle with this concept, I'd love to hear from you.  Maybe I can give you some insight to help you.

Understand this:  YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Your life is an occasion; rise to it my friend.


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