Monday, May 30, 2016

What It Takes to Create a Life You Love

What I believe it takes to create a life you love is decide what you want, commit to doing what it takes and be willing to seek help when you need it.

In order to create a life you love, you need to CHOOSE to do so.  You must make the choices yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to stick to the plan.  

Too many of us seek answers from outside of ourselves.  We look to friends, family, co-workers, significant others, competitors, social media and so on, for a clue as to what we want.  

When, in reality, you already know what you want.  Deep down, you have strong desires, big dreams, hopes, aspirations; you know what you want but maybe you fear not achieving it.

So, what do you want?  Write out every single you want, no matter how big or how small it is.  Do you want to find your soulmate, have a child, change careers, move into a new home, work less but make more money…what do YOU want?

See, I have a list of things I want.  And perhaps, just like you, I dream of living a life that is different than what I see right now.  And maybe, like you, I occasionally let obstacles get in the way and tell myself that I can’t have what I want.  

Until I take a step back and realize,in that moment, that I’m not completely happy.  I’m not fulfilled.  I’m not living my life with a purpose or passion.  Sometimes, those outside influences are kind of helpful, because they cause a reality check.  

When a friend says that they feel bad for me because of all the strife and stress I’ve been under, it makes me stop and think, “Well, if they can see it, maybe then it’s time to do something differently.”

That’s when you set a new chain of events in motion.  That is when shit needs to get real.  

I’m in control of MY life; more specifically, my actions, reactions, plans, decisions, etc.  I may not be able to control the things around me, but I sure as hell can take control over the things that I do each and every day.

So, then we go to the list.  Take each thing and reflect on it a bit.  How can I make this become a reality?  What step can I take TODAY to move in that direction.  

Because action leads to progress, you see.  And progress is moving forward.  For example, I will become a six-figure income earner by the end of this year (see the wording? It’s important. WILL is intentionally).  So, what action steps can I take TODAY to move me in that direction?  Create a new program?  Connect with new clients?  Offer freebies to get my ideal clients attention?  Yep, these are all things I can do to make progress towards my goal.

Now, it’s liberating to get started but the key here is to continue forward.  Consistency is crucial.  Every single day, I need to do some work that will take me in the direction I want to go.  It’s not enough to make a choice to get started, but you have to plug away every single day.  Keep doing the actions needed to get where you want to go.  AND, make sure you adjust, each day, accordingly.  Something didn’t work yesterday, try it again today, but tweak it a little if needed.  Just keep moving forward.

I’m not great with consistency.  I admit it.  Taking vitamins, working out, blogging, etc.  BUT, I recognize it and try to do what I can to change that.  Set an alarm on my phone to do a task at a certain time every single day until it becomes habit.  

Because in the long run, I WANT THE RESULTS that will come from consistent action.  I CRAVE the results.  I DESERVE the results.  Don’t YOU????

Also, seeking help when needed is a tough, but important element.  If you can’t do something, you need to reach out and find someone who IS doing it successfully AND is willing to help you.  It can be mundane things like paying bills, answering emails, picking up the dry cleaning…or as big as marketing and advertising, accounting, hiring employees or whatever, for your business.

So, I believe that it takes decision, commitment, action, consistency and seeking out help; to create a life you love.  What about you?

Your life is an occasion my friend. Rise to it!



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