Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 25 BBM 90 Day Challenge

*Work In Progress*

Day 25 BBM 90 Day Challenge

Hey friends! 

Well, you may have noticed I did not post for days 21 through 24 and that is because my back was still pretty bad.  It probably wasn't my sciatica, because I had a good-sized knot on the right side of my mid back and the pain radiated from my tailbone up...not down my butt or leg.  Anyway, whatever it was, it was really bad and I had trouble standing or sitting...even lifting the baby (she's about 13#)

I did weigh in on Sunday and dropped ~3# so that is exciting.  I've not eaten the way I should've this week.  But, I am not beating myself up at all.  After all, it's a marathon, not a sprint.  And, there are going to be days or even a week or two, when things don't go quite right.  I am just going to keep pushing forward.

The picture above is me, pre-workout, tonight.  The camera was tilted, which frustrated me since I have been crooked like a question mark all week.  Now that I can finally stand straight, the photo is tilted.  LOL  Oh well.

Today, I am still off Bikini Body Challenge workouts and did my revised 20 min HIIT cardio.  Tomorrow, I am back on plan and back to the challenge.  PLEASE...share your comments below.  Are you on a challenge?  Are you working out?  What are you doing to improve your health this year?

Did 5 minutes of jumping jacks (regular ones)
Did 2 minutes of sprinting in place and 3 minutes cross-punches.
With one minute rest between each exercise.
Total: 20 minute workout *all with 1# gloves*

Would LOVE to hear from you.

See you tomorrow!!

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Please comment, share, Like,  RT, Plus, Pin...whatever works.  Thanks!  XO


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